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The Future of DBS

The only way to truly advance the procedure is by conducting research "in the field."  YOU, the patient, thus play a vital role in shaping the future advancements in DBS.  

Prior to your procedure your surgeon (like mine did) may ask you if you would be willing to participate in some research gathering during the surgery.  I said "YES," and I absolutely encourage you to do the same.


Of course, the research is secondary to your actual surgery and you are not required to do it. So your surgeon will most likely ask your permission again, in the operating room.  You will be very tired at this point, but I know you can muster the strength!  Remember, you will be providing invaluable information for future generations of patients. I was incredibly thankful for the brave patients whom volunteered in previous surgeries, and thus felt compelled to pay it forward myself.

My "pay if forward" research lasted only about 15 minutes.  I wore a "Hollywood" motion-capture glove and made various movements with my hand.  This provided my doctor with research on how the brain commands movements.   

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